Growing old is a mandatory and natural part of life. A man is compelled to go through the pain and pleasures of this phase of life before making an exit from this mortal world. Indeed there is no stage of life which has ever smooth sailing and every stage has its attended problems, but the struggles of old age are difficult as the physical strength and mental capacity are immensely reduced. Growing urbanization and fast-moving modern life have changed people's mindsets. With the passage of time family values are degrading and old persons are suffering who are dependent on their families and require love and care.
The old age is full of loneliness and the situation becomes more adverse when old people are left at home without anyone who can attend them. This is the outcome of the disintegration of joint family system and declining of tradition and moral values. This situation brings tremendous mental suffering to old persons, some are though economically independent but they require affection from by young. Today the family unit is breaking apart and the joint family system has come to an end as young men and women travel widely in search of better jobs. So the old folks are left alone and are neglected. Sometimes they are not wanted by their children at all and they have to live their lives away in an old-age home or in their empty house that once was filled with the sound of children’s laughter.
Earlier, when life was simpler and values counted for more, those who reached a ripe old age had an important place in society. They were respected and taken as a source of inspiration for youngsters. But today values have vanished and anyone is hardly bothered about them. This abandonment is a real problem in our society and it is what the old dread the most that is being uncared by their beloveds in their time of need. There are other problems old folks face, but none can be as bad as the disregard of the young.
Old persons are full of knowledge and their experiences are of immense help to the younger generation, but still, they are taken as an unwanted burden. Family members and especially youngsters should be in constant contact with the old people and take care of them. They should be concerned about them and take their responsibility. As our elders took our responsibility when we were small, now it's our duty to take care of them. They helped us to grow and have shown us the path of life so it’s our noble duty to be with them until their last sight.
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