Introduction When we engage with a story, one of the most crucial aspects that shape our experience is the point of view (POV). The POV determines how the events in the story are presented to us, influencing how we perceive the characters and the world around them. Two common types of POV are first-person and third-person. First-Person Point of View In the first-person point of view, the story is told from the perspective of one character. This character is often the protagonist or an observer, and they narrate the events using first-person pronouns such as I, me, my, mine, we, and ours. This allows the audience to experience the world of the story through that character’s eyes, thoughts, feelings, and actions. For instance, in a situation where a car suddenly stops, the character might say, "I didn't know why the car stopped. I was worried!" This approach focuses entirely on the internal experience of one character, highlighting their personal thoughts and emotions. Whil...